On the release of the programs published in "New Introduction to Spectra Analysis of Seismic Motions"

June 2021
Ohsaki Research Institute, Inc.

We are pleased to announce that the Fortran 77 program source codes, which are published in Chapter 11 "Computer Programs" of "New Introduction to Spectral Analysis of Seismic Motions" (Kajima Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994), a book written by our founder and former president, Dr. Yorihiko Ohsaki, are now available on our website. We did not make any changes to them, although there are probably more efficient or general-purpose ways to write programs. However, the FORTRAN compiler at that time ignored columns 72 and beyond, but now it seems that many compilers do not ignore columns 72 and beyond, so we have removed the part of the program name after column 72. The digital values of the input waveforms (EQ.01~EQ.03) used in the examples are also provided. EQ.01 is the recorded acceleration waveform of the NS component of the 1940 El Centro earthquake shown in Figure 1-1 on page 2 of the book. However, it should be noted that the maximum value and duration time are different from those generally used in building design. Also, EQ.02 and EQ.03 are the two acceleration waveforms shown on page 191 of the book. For more information about these data, please refer to the "About Waveform Data" PDF file. In addition, although SI units are now mainly used in geotechnical analyses, the engineering (gravity) units used at the time of the book's publication have been retained, so users are requested to rewrite the program accordingly.

The book gives examples of use, but does not always include calculation results, so we have also published explanatory documents containing the calculation results. The source codes and explanations are written by Dr. Ohsaki himself, however, may differ from the book itself in some cases. The source codes are all written in the single precision, and due to differences in processing systems since the time of writing, the final digits of the calculation results may differ in some cases. Since the source codes are mainly intended to be used on Windows, the character encoding is Shift_JIS (UTF-8 can also be read) and the line feed encoding is CR+LF.

If you have any opinions or impressions about the publication, please send an e-mail to the person in charge of the Ohsaki Research Institute website. (info@ohsaki.co.jp)

You are free to use the published programs, but we ask that you use them at your own risk.

Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Ohsaki's family and the publisher Kajima Publishing Co. Ltd. for agreeing to publish the source codes and explanatory documents on our website.

(Kazuhiro Yoshida)

The program source codes of "New Introduction to Spectral Analysis of Seismic Motions" (Kajima Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994)

The program source codes
(Period Distribution)
(Probability Density Distribution)
(Finite Fourier Coefficients)
(Fast Fourier Transform)
(Autocorrelation Coefficients)
(Fourier Spectrum, Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation)
(Smoothed Spectra by Lag Window)
(Smoothed Spectra by Spectral Window)
(Response of Single Degree-of-Freedom System)
(Integration of Acceleration Time History)
(Base-line Correction of Accelerogram)
(Earthquake Response Spectra)
(Differentiation by Fourier Transform)
(Differentiation by Fourier Transform)
(Frequency Response Function of Layered Soil)
(Natural Frequency of Soil Deposit)
(Soil Response to Earthquake Excitation)
(Envelope Function)
(Ohsaki-Watabe’s Max. Acceleration)
(Max. Velocity of Earthquake Motion by Kanai)
(Ohsaki's Spectrum)
(Simulated Wave Generation)
(Lagrangian Interpolation)

Seismic acceleration data

The digital values of the input waveforms (EQ.01~EQ.03) used in the examples are also available.
About waveform data(PDF)
